

Active substance: Furaginum solubile

Indications: Acute and recurring urinary tract infections

Dose and quantity: 25 mg N30; 50 mg N30

Pharmaceutical form: Capsules

Product ATC Code: J01XE

Product Description

Antibacterial agent belonging to the nitrofuran group.

Furamag® is efficient against the most common pathogens causing urinary tract infections, for instance, E. coli.

The use of Furamag®, does not develop a clinically significant resistance of micro – organisms.

Therapeutic indications:

  • Treatment of urinary tract infections:

– cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis

  • Prevention of the recurrence of urinary tract infections
  • Prevention of urinary tract infections:

– in patients with long – term use of a urinary catheter (spinal patients, patients after stroke)

– before and after urological surgeries (prostatic cancer) and manipulations (in cases of cystoscopy

or catheterisation)

  • Treatment of prostatitis and gynaecological infections
